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Courageous  Conversations

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Hi everyone,


Thank you so much for attending the training on Courageous Conversations with me last month. I loved working with you all and wanted to thank you for all your hard work and willingness to try new things, as well as your support of each another over the 2 modules.


This webpage is a summary of the tools & techniques we looked at and also contains recommended links to further online videos and reading.


Please do let me know if you have any further questions, comments or indeed successes with using any of these techniques. I'd love to hear from you.



 16 & 23 May 2022
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Other Tips... 

Example G.R.O.W questions for coaching conversations



  • What is your goal?

  • What would happen if you don’t achieve your goal?

  • How will you know you achieved your goal?



  • Which steps have you already taken to achieve your goal?

  • What is working well right now and what isn’t?

  • How are things going today?



  • What could be the first step?

  • What alternatives do you have?

  • If anything was possible, what would you do?



  • What are you willing to do?

  • What is the first step you need to do?

  • When are you going to start?


Managing Tone (Transactional Analysis)

Adult to Adult conversations are:

  • Assuming the other is capable, and competent

  • Allows the other person to have emotional responses without being drawn in

  • Calm without being robotic

  • Aims to understand

  • Boundaried







Simon Sinek – How great leaders inspire action

Lori Hunt – The  power of mentoring





- Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships

by Eric Berne


- Difficult Conversations

by Bruce Patton


- The coaching habit: say less, ask more & change the way you lead forever

by Michael Bungay Stanier


- Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring

by David Clutterbuck and David Megginson



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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